Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our RTA in Utusan Malaysia!

21st JUNE 2010.
It was 1.10pm when we were touching down Hangzhou.
Mobile phone on and a few sms came in...
But the one i love the most was from my lecturer, Puan Wan Srihani Wan Mohamed,
apart from my mom's :)

It was this:

"My dearest nina, i've just received news that the RTA self build housing that we are working on keluar Utusan Malaysia today with 4 pages cover on it! Waaahhhhhhh!!!!! Dasat! Hehehe... I hope this message reach you when you are in Shanghai. So that you'll be happy to know that all was worth it! Take care. Muaaahhhsss!"

I'm speechless...and so very the happy!! :))
Ahaksss...and i think the content of her message tells everything...


Kepada yang tak baca utusan tu (saya pun tak dapat baca sob..sob..sob..tapi Puan Wan ade simpankan keratan akhbar tu untuk saya baca nanti...hihi), bleh la klik link kat bawah ni...tapi tak cover the whole news la...

Actually, i was assisting her on her PhD project, RTA (ready-to-assemble) self build housing. These are a few shots taken:

Puan Wan kata dah ada beberapa developer yang berminat nak guna idea dia untuk buat chalet, madrasah, private getaway, asrama..pondok tunggu durian jatuh pun ade! haha..

so anyone interested??

tahi lalat

baca blog ini.
dia tulis tentang tahi lalat.
terus teringat kat nor izyan yankumie.
yan kata dia nak buang tahi lalat dia guna laser.
erm yan, sila baca blog link ni ye.
dan sila pertimbangkan rancangan anda ye :) 
tapi kalau tahi di kasut, harus dibuang ye!! haha

Sunday, June 27, 2010

kejutan cuaca

baru tiba dari Shanghai tadi.
udara yg kotor n tercemar gila-gila kat sana buat aku tak sihat!
rasanya kawan2 lain pun same gak cam aku..
yan, poh tin, ah chuan, yuz, ain...
muka naik bintik2 jerawat...
sakit tekak, selesema, mata merah, muka panas...
mula-mula sampai, ingatkan Shanghai mmg berkabus..
tapi rupe-rupenye tu adalah jerebu!
Ain basuh tudung kat sana, n air bilasan tudung dia hitam!!!
damn! nampak sgt mmg udara dia tercemar kan??
banyak cerita nak cerita sbenanye...
tp belum dpt mood lagi..
dan gambar pun belum pilih lagi..
so nantilah ye...

Monday, June 21, 2010


i will be away for a week
and i'm gonna miss
blogging and blog stalking

Sunday, June 20, 2010

ibu bertuankan anak

percaya tak?
ada anak yang tak berhati perut
biarkan ibu dia yang pada usia 80 tahun macam pembantu rumah
buat itu buat ini
dan tekanan darah ibu dia dah turun sampai '3' pun dia masih belum sedar??
muka ibu dia dah pucat lesi macam mayat hidup pun dia tak sedar??
badan ibu dia dah mengecut dan membongkok pun dia tak sedar??
macam tu ke jadi anak? huh...

nasib baik ada insan yang berhati mulia
berdetik hati nak ziarah ibu dia
mengalir air mata tengok keadaan ibu dia yang dah macam 'mayat hidup' tu
tekanan darah 3! kesian gile tau tak??
bukan ke kalau normal tu 80-120?? jauh tu...
insan tu tolong hantar ibu dia ke hospital 3 hari lepas
dan hari ni dah boleh keluar wad


it is 4.25am
and i'm blinking my eyes with no one right now
doing nothing but blogging & facebooking
entertained with a song
the song 'Jai Ho' has keep on repeating from someone's mobile phone
maybe is the alarm clock
or the incoming sms
or the reminder
oh, i'm gonna fly high early tomorrow morning!
but i'm not feeling well right now
hopefully tomorrow will getting better
pray for my safe journey
but i think i'm not as excited as others
maybe because for me this is not a real holiday
we do have assignment to do there
and we still have assignment need to be done by 1st day of the upcoming new semester
but i didn't start any yet!!
i really think i need a 1 week off
just to concerntrate on that
good luck nina!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

alam anda

i only knew that the word 'Alamanda' in Alamanda Putrajaya is actually taken from the combination of 2 words:

alam + anda = Alamanda

we went here for 4 tickets of The Prince of Persia but unfortunately it has been sold out!
so we divert to its dataran instead, with a box of pop corn...
Munerq said:
"at least feel tangkap gambar macam feel tengok wayang.."

ahaks... :P

i admit that i was not in the mood that night.
not feeling very well...
so i choose to just sitting, watching them playing with the 'toys'...

they all are cute right! hihihi

i like this pix the most! credit to Aan for this awesome pix! :)

i just bought this toy for a year, and only had chances playing with it for about 6 months.
i left it since i become a budak sekolah (this is what my boss and collegues called me..haha).
so i'm not yet a good photographer.
for me photography is just a hobby..
an interest apart from architecture..

but when they ask me about this and that, i will try my best to teach them at least
the basic thing they should know about dslr.
it is a waste if u own a dslr but u refuse to learn to set your toy manually.
btw, thanks a lot to these fellow friends,

Lei Aziz
Zati Hanani
Intai- Intai Production
for their valuable tought when i was with them... miss those days...

and this one was taken by Munerq or Cekya? huuhu tak sure la plak...

so... thanks to Cekya, Aan & Munerq for your awesome photos! cuma shaking sikit sebab takde flash and tripod.. u guys really made the night...

oh btw, we watched The Prince of Persia the following week :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

rumput adalah hijau

...rumput depan fakulti memang selalu menggoda
...kamera pun dah lama berhabuk bawah katil
...cuti semester tak balik kampung sebab kerja sambilan buat bayar bulanan kereta
...Aan tak lama lagi nak pergi sambung belajar buat Master di UTM Skudai
...Aan, Yan, Lya, Munerq tengah jatuh chenta pada dslr
...tangan pun dah keras sebab dah lama tak pegang kamera
...maka jadinya

...putus asa...gambar lompat yang cantik tidak berjaya diabadikan

...mereka kata gambar katak di bawah ni wajib letak kat blog
...hahaha camane ntah cekya leh amek gambar dari sudut camni? distortion gitu

...mereka bertiga adalah sahabat

...dan kini mereka bersatu di LAN.DS
...the directors of LAN.DS

...semoga mereka sukses mencapai impian membangun LAN. DS

...gambate kodasai!!!