Thursday, November 11, 2010

and the FINAL is over!

yes it's over today...
but still another hectic week to go, with DEADLINES!!

reminder untuk aku je...dan korang yang singgah terpaksa la baca...

fri, 12/11/10 - off to office, the competition is waiting!
sat & sun - study, do presentation research, report, presentation board, model, office task.
mon, 15/11/10 - exam
tue, 16/11/10 - Presentation for Research Proposal, off to hometown!
wed,17/11/10 - it's qurban day!
thu, 18/11/10 - off to KL back
fri, 19/11/10 - Submit Advance Building Technology Technical Report
sat & sun - do presentation board, do model
mon, 22/11/10 - do presentation board & model
tue & wed, 23&24/11/10 - Portfolio Review
25/11/10 onwards - SEMESTER BREAK!!!
and working month... T_T

penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat penat


hulala said...

chaiyo2..ko mmg hebat nina...yakin buleh!!!

pssst : nak minta aku tlg, aku boley habaw mai la neh nk tlg ape..theehihi

ila ni said...

kirim salam kat assessor tengah nih ;p

ninazarina said...

Warda: hehe final year kompem aku perlukan tangan korang :)

Ila: everyone called him John sem la kim salam yek! ;)